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About Bonepwa +


Founded in 2000, the Botswana Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (BONEPWA+) is a national umbrella (non-governmental organization) network formed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) in Botswana. BONEPWA+ has over 11 years experience of working with PLWHAs to ensure their voices are heard in Botswana through lobbying and advocating for their needs, rights and privileges. It has been working with PLWHAs to improve their lives by empowering them with skills, strategies and knowledge to cater for their social, economic and health needs.

BONEPWA+ consists of a constituency of support groups whose members are both infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. A support group is an organization made up of five or more members who come together to support one another in various aspects of their daily lives – emotional, spiritual, physical and psychological – and to share information, knowledge, ideas and experiences about their common challenges, concerns and needs. 

The vision of BONEPWA+ is to live positively and to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS at the household and at the national level by the year 2016.

The mission of BONEPWA+ is to improve the well being and quality of life of all PLWHAs and their families and to protect the nation of Botswana from new infections through behavior change, positive living, increased access and utilization of care and support services.

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